Friday, June 22, 2012

Week 1

So looks like we made it down here safe and sound. It was quite a packed car and quite a packed week! Besides meeting the people on project, this week has been about getting to know the people of Santa Monica. Surprisingly, Santa Monica is incredibly diverse. People range in age, color, orientation, SES, style, and beliefs. I feel like I am in the shrunken, to scale, version of the world. I got to ask people about what they believe is the purpose of life. Some people answered to love, some said to work, and some believe this question is irrelevant. Personally, I would agree that to extend love to others is a great purpose of my life. I think if anything, love increases the quality of life. While it may be scientifically argued that love is unnecessary to sustain life, I think life would be unfortunate without love. My question is, what is life apart from love? Reworded, what is life without relationships? I think one of the greatest blessings about life, is the privilege of "doing life" with others. I love chatting with people while running errands or even just sitting in silence as I wait for my clothes to dry at the laundry mat next to my roommate. I have been learning a lot about love and experiencing the author of love Himself. It is incredible to be in a place where such great Love resides. I am excited for what is to come and how God plans to use all of us this summer.


Hello all! I want to start by saying that I am so grateful for where God has placed me this summer. I'm still not quite sure how I ended up here, but I know that it is where God wants me. I know some of you may think that I am on a spiritual high right now as a missionary in Santa Monica, and its true, but I want to clarify. I know it is easy for people to have feelings of being so close to God when they spend a week or month or year serving Him, and I do, but I am not saying these things because I am in a "moment". God has shown me His love, grace, power, friendship, among many other things in the week I've been here. I have been trained in evangelism, been out finding peoples' worldviews, sharing the gospel with strangers, praising God through prayer, fellowship, studying His word, being discipled, and just spending quality time with Him, something I think that if we really asked ourselves if we do it enough, would say no. I have also had a great time getting to know the other 80+ students and staff, playing frisbee golf on the beach, touring Santa Monica, and playing guitar. Well that's it for now! Gotta go early and set up for dinner, finally gonna ride my scooter out to the church, something I've been waiting for Hope you are all well, and please continue to pray for Santa Monica Summer Project 2012. God Bless!

Hey, everyone! I'm having a God-centered time so far! We are all finishing up our first week of the project; And I have to say, This is turning out to be more than what I bargained for. So far, we spent our first week very structured. During the day, everyone goes out and looks for a summer job. The rest of the day is spent in fellowship with one another. Everyday at 5:30pm, we have dinner together at a Church nearby, called Trinity Baptist. And that's how it's gonna be for the rest of the project. What a great way to live in community! I really am hoping I find a job soon. Yesterday, God beckoned me to trust Him more with such areas of my life. I'm still not quite sure what that looks like, but I have an idea... We have gone out to get people to take surveys of their worldview in the Santa Monica area. I have witnessed the climate of Santa Monica. It's a lot like the one at Sacramento State. Haven't been given the opportunity to share the Good News with anyone willing to listen. But I know that tis' the Lord's will that we still move forth with the Good News. Of all the people I spoke to, none know the Lord and His goodness.. Please pray for this mission. And pray for the people I reach out to.

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